Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Devyn's baseball season started this weekend! I have to say, I'm really excited to watch him play. He's 12 this year, and this will be the last year he gets to play at Southside. I'm not sure what happens next year - I don't know if there's an older league (probably) or if he would just play at his school. I'll have to ask my husband about that one. It will be a few more years before Zane can play there (obviously, lol).

However, Zane and I will be missing roughly half of Devyn's games. Devyn plays at either 5 or 7pm on weeknights. The 5pm games should be no problem for Zane. But the 7pm games we're going to have to skip. :-( Toddlers need their bedtime and bedtime routine to stay consistent. Especially my child. He cannot handle staying up late. He gets a touch cranky. (okay, more than a touch)

We tried going to Devyn's late game last night and Zane lasted all of one inning. He fell asleep on the way home - a not even ten minute drive.

But I heard Devyn played well! He started as the pitcher and pitched for five whole innings. That is a huge accomplishment for the kid who was benched most of last year! His team lost 2 to 1 though.


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