Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lots of updates!

How far along: 13 weeks and 3 days! Officially in the second trimester!

Total weight gain: Zero! I lost a few pounds after my first OB appointment and I've now gained them back. So I'm at zero.

Maternity Clothes: Just maternity jeans if I leave the house. Otherwise, since I work at home, I just lounge around in sweat pants and t-shirts.

Stretch marks
: None new - but the ones from my pregnancy with Zane are still there.

Best moment this week
: I had an OB check up this morning and, despite a few tense minutes while the nurse had to search for the heartbeat with the doppler, we did get to hear the sweet thump thump! 160 bpm

Movement: I sear I've felt a thump or poke a few times, but nothing concrete enough to say "Oh, that's the baby!"

Food cravings: Sweets. Reese's peanut butter cups - I admit to stealing several of these from Zane's Easter basket. And dill pickles.

Labor signs: Nope!

Belly button - innie or outie: It's an innie still.

What are you looking forward to this week
: Devyn's opening ceremonies for his baseball season are on Saturday! I am actually realy looking forward to his baseball starting up again; I love getting out of the house and watching his games.

Do you see that sweet profile?? I am so in love already!

Last Monday, 4/2, I had the NT Scan, which was an ultrasound to check for any early markers for Down's Syndrome. There was also some bloodwork to check for our odds of having a baby with Down's or Trisomy 13 or 18. Everything came back PERFECTLY. Our odds of having a baby with any of those conditions were less than 1 in 10,000. I declined any other screening at this point.

I feel like I am starting to show, but I know in reality I just look pudgy still. I came out on Facebook last week! Here's the picture that I used to announce:

Do you see how thrilled he looks to be a big brother? lol

In other news, Zane is 18 months old! How in the world is my baby getting so old? We had his 18mo well baby check up yesterday. My big guys is weighing in at 33.2 pounds; 34 inches tall; and has a 20in noggin! He is over the 100th percentile for his weight and head, but dropped down to the 90th percentile for his height. Dr. Z says that his height growth curve looks to put him at being about 6'1" when he's grown.

I haven't mentioned on this blog yet that Zane is severely bowlegged. We took Zane to a pediatric orthopedic specialist three months ago to have his legs checked out. Zane's pediatrician sent us, because he has never in his 20 years of practice seen a child with legs as bowed as Zane's. According to the ortho, yes, Zane is bowlegged outside the range considered normal. However, when they examined an x-ray of Zane's legs, his bones are still within the range of normal. They looked at the way his knee presses on the top of his tibia bone. Here's a picture of his x-ray:

So, we were told that there is nothing the ortho wants to do about Zane's legs at that time. She wanted to see us back in nine months. Her reasoning for it was that toddlers legs hit their worst bowing by about 18 months. So, she could see us back at 18 months and only be able to tell us that yes, his legs are worse (and they are). She wanted him to get past the worst and have six more months to see how his legs improve. And if they do not improve.... We are looking at a scary surgery. :-(

I mention this now, because Zane's follow up appointment is on October 9th. I'm due October 15th, but due to my history and the medications I take, I'll be induced no later than 39 weeks. Annnnnnd.... I hit 39 weeks on October 8th. Obviously, I'll have to reschedule his appointment; probably push it out a month or so. But I am very scared that Zane's legs will not straighten enough on their own and he will have to have surgery on them. A newborn and a 2 year old going through surgery and then in casts? Not my idea of fun.

I don't want to end on such a dour note, so here are a few other pictures from Zane's 18 month photos!


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