Tuesday, August 7, 2012

30 weeks!

I had another OB check up this afternoon.  Thankfully it went much better than last week's.  My blood pressure was down to 138/83.  Still a tad high, but better than it was.  Bed rest is working.  :-)  I'm also down four pounds since Thursday...  Not sure what that's about. 

I was supposed to have a biophysical profile ultrasound today, but the scheduling lady messed up last week and didn't schedule it.  So, I go back on Thursday for it and a cervical length check.  From the sounds of it, my OB is going to have me do a growth ultrasound every other week and a cervical length check every week until I deliver!  I can't say I'm sad about getting to see this baby girl so often.  ;-)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Bed Rest

Well, it's official.  My blood pressure was again elevated at my OB appointment yesterday and it has earned me bed rest for the rest of this pregnancy. 

I am 29 and a half weeks.  Up another 5lbs since my last appointment (Boo!  I'm thinking of standing backwards on the scale so I will not be so depressed seeing that number go up every time).  Zoey is looking good though!  She was very active and her heartbeat was up in the 150bpm. 

When I first got back for the cervical length check ultrasound, the u/s (ultrasound) tech took my blood pressure.  It was 140/95.  Not great, not good at all.  My cervix is holding strong at 3.75cm, though it is shorter than it was two weeks ago (was over 4cm).  However, my OB is not concerned about that at this point.  After the u/s, my BP was still up at 138/94.  So, the "lay around more" talk that I got two weeks ago became "lay around ALL the time, until delivery" yesterday. 

She is thinking I'm in the early stages of pre-eclampsia.  While I do not have any protein in my urine at this point (pre-e is diagnosed by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in urine in pregnancy), she is going to be very proactive to try and make sure baby and I stay healthy.  She made me lay on my side at the end of my appointment and then took my blood pressure again before letting me leave.  Thankfully laying on my side got my BP down to 118/78.  That also reaffirmed to my OB that bed rest is what I need to do to keep my BP down.  She also had me stop by the lab to get some blood drawn to get a baseline of what my levels are now.  That way if my BP/health gets worse, they have something to compare everything. 

Then, and this was the scary part, she sent me over to the Birthing Center/Labor & Delivery to get the first of two shots of Celestone.  Celestone is a steroid shot given to me to try and help mature Zoey's lungs faster.  In case she has to be delivered pre-term.  Because the only cure for pre-eclampsia is delivering the baby.  I'm not yet 30 weeks, and a pregnancy is supposed to last 40 weeks!  I am not in danger of having to deliver Zoey yet.  But my OB said she wanted to be more safe than sorry.  As she put it, she would rather look back and say, "I'm glad we went ahead and did those shots," than "Man, I wish we had done the steroid shots when we had the chance."

It was emotionally hard walking past the nursery on the way to the L&D desk.  That is where Zane stayed for a week after his birth.  Walking past it yesterday on the way to get that shot was like a blow to my heart.  Because Zoey may have to spend some time there.  What is even more frightening is that I can't deliver in Kokomo until I hit 34 weeks.  If I have to deliver before 34 weeks, they will send me to Indianapolis.  This is because Kokomo is not equipped to handle a premature baby before 34 weeks due to the respiratory support most likely to be needed.  So obviously I want to keep Zoey cooking as long as possible.  But should she come too early, and I have to deliver in Indianapolis, she would have to stay in the NICU down there for some time.  How much time depends on when she came and how well she does once she's here.  But ANY time is too much.  Because I would be 45 minutes away from my home, from Zane, from Jeremy.  I can't imagine having to spend time away from my son.  :-(

But anyway, at this point I'm just on bedrest.  I can stress and worry about all the what-ifs all day long.  It won't change anything.  One thing I am thankful for is that I already work from home.  So we are not losing my paycheck or anything by my being on bedrest.  I was already on a modified bedrest anyway!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

28 weeks

Whoops.  :-)  I've been a bad blogger!  It has been six weeks since my last post!  My apologies for the one or two readers I have.  lol

How far along? 28 weeks and 1 day

Total weight gain/loss? I think I'm up about 17lbs now.  :-(

Maternity clothes? Oh yes.

Sleep? I had a bout of insomnia a few weeks ago.  I could not fall asleep and stay asleep for several days.  Thankfully my sleeping has improved since then.

Best moment last week? I had a growth ultrasound last Thursday!  Baby girl is looking awesome - and is definitely still a girl!

Movement? Lots of it!

Gender? GIRL!!

Labor signs? I have the occasional Braxton Hicks contraction, some days more than others.  They've all gone away with water and laying down to rest though, so we're doing okay there.

Belly button in/out? Neither, it is flat!

What I miss: Being able to breathe.  Being able to play with Zane like I want to, but can't because I get so out of breath so easily.

What I am looking forward to:  Family reunion this weekend.  I actually have to choose one to go to, because two sides are having theirs on the same day!

Milestones: Um, I hit third trimester when I wasn't looking.

I am 28 weeks.  Baby girl looks good.  However....  At my appointment three weeks ago, my belly was measuring much bigger than it should have been.  At prior appointments, I was measuring right on track and then suddenly I had gained 5lbs in two weeks and my belly was bigger.  So, that got me a growth ultrasound last week.  When I arrived for that appointment, my blood pressure was pretty high.  The nurse took my bp again after the ultrasound, and it was 150/94.  She didn't tell me what it was the first time, just that it was even higher.  I had to lay down while waiting for my OB to come in, and she took my blood pressure yet again.  130/90.  Since it had gone down, and I had had no protein in my urine, she was okay with sending me home.  I got the "lay around more" talk.  She didn't say bed rest.  But it was hanging out there.  My normal blood pressure is right around 120/80 and had been this entire pregnancy.  Baby was looking good though, and she's actually measuring pretty much right on time - in the 30th-40th percentile.  I didn't get a weight estimate, just that she looks fine.

I went back in today for my weekly progesterone shot, and the nurse took my blood pressure again.  150/84.  The top number was pretty high, but the bottom number was lower than it was.  So she wasn't too horribly concerned.  I don't see Dr. Redmon at these quick shot appointments (and she's on vacation this week anyway).  I'm to just continue to keep taking my blood pressure occasionally at home.  If I ever get a reading over 160/100, I'm to call and go to L&D. 

Of course, this has me concerned.  I kept track of my bp over the weekend.  On Saturday, I went to a pool party.  I had to get out and go sit down after about 30 minutes in the water though, and when I took my bp then it was 150/94.  :-/  Thankfully it went down after a bit.  And then Sunday, my mom and I took Zane to the pool, and again I had to quit some time in.  Zane was ready for a nap by then anyway, so I laid him down and took my bp.  140/90.  Ugh!  It went down again to normal after resting though.

Now, I have visions of bed rest, hospitalization, and premature birth in my head.  NOT fun visions!  I'm scared of developing pre-eclampsia.  I'm scared of having to be put on hospital bedrest.  So I am trying to do everything I can to just lay around and be on self-imposed bedrest.  Do you know how hard that is to accomplish with a toddler?  It is HARD.  I never really had to deal with high blood pressure when I was pregnant with Zane.  And the fact that my blood pressure keeps creeping back up when I get up and do stuff is very worrisome to me.

Hopefully, at my appointment next Thursday this blood pressure crap will have resolved itself.  I would MUCH rather come back here and apologize for overreacting and getting you all worked up about my blood pressure.

 Here's a comparison of my 27 week bumps with Zane on the left and Zoey on the right!  HUGE difference, lol!

 Little stinker stole my tea at the pool this weekend.  :-)

And just for fun, Zane and I talking in the pool about how he does not need to cling to me every second he's in the water.  And a bonus shot of me in a swimsuit and my pregnant glory.  :-)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

22 Weeks!

How far along? 22 weeks and 1 day

Total weight gain/loss? Up 4lbs total.

Maternity clothes? I can still wear some of my more roomy non-maternity shirts, but otherwise I'm all into maternity.

Sleep? Still the same - sleeping great!

Best moment last week? My baby brother, Tyler, graduated from high school.

Movement? Oh the movement! I love it! Except the sitting on my sciatic nerve....

Gender? GIRL!!

Labor signs? Nope, and let's keep it that way.

Belly button in/out? In, but I noticed last night it is starting to get more flat already.

What I miss: Still softball. That's the only thing I have had taken away so far.

What I am looking forward to: Garage sale this weekend! Well, to clarify, I am looking forward to the money we could make. Not so much the preparations for the sale. My dining area is stacked FULL of all of Zane's baby boy clothes. Milestones: Two more weeks until V-Day!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Half Baked

20 weeks pregnant today! Can you believe it?

How sweet is this? Zane wasn't ready to wake up from his nap this afternoon, so he fell asleep on me.

Last Thursday, Jeremy and my mom and I went to Indy for the anatomy scan. Baby looks absolutely great, measuring perfectly on time. At this point in my pregnancy with Zane, he was measuring almost a full week ahead. This baby is right on time. Jeremy and I had gone into this appointment thinking that we would not find out the sex of the baby. We were going to let the u/s tech tell my mom, who would then bake a cake or do some other creative idea for a gender reveal. We had planned on having a birthday party for me on Saturday, and that seemed like an awesome idea to surprise everyone. Of course, the morning of the ultrasound, neither Jeremy nor I could stand the suspense and had to find out - but we were still going to do the gender reveal at my party.

Best laid plans, right? Granny was sick all of last week, meaning Zane got to stay home with Daddy. And by Friday, she was still running a fever, so my mom and I decided to postpone the party until Monday. Annnnnnd, Sunday came around and Granny was STILL running a fever. So, party cancelled. We ended up calling and telling everyone instead.

Everyone was SO excited to find out we are expecting a BABY GIRL in October! A GIRL! Can you believe it? Because I don't think it has really sunk in for me yet. I honestly did not think it was even possible. But when the ultrasound technician said she was 90% sure we were going to have a girl, and then pointed out the three lines they look for in the ultrasound.... Holy cow.

My sweet baby girl!

I think we have already settled on a name. It's not 100% certain to stick, but it's the front runner by a long shot.

Zoe Nicole. Or maybe Zoey. We're still debating, lol.

Maybe I'll try and keep up with the weekly 20 questions for pregnancy blog posts... I can't promise one for every week, but I'll try to keep up.

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain/loss? At my appointment a week and a half ago, I was at my starting weight. I gained in the 1st tri and then lost several pounds between appointments.

Maternity clothes? Bottoms? Oh yes. I can still fit into my regular shirts (mostly just tank tops for lounging at home), but my other maternity shirts are more dressy for an office setting. And since I work at home, they are not getting a lot of use.

Sleep? About the same as always. I still bed-share with Zane, so there are the inevitable kicks and snuggles from him throughout the night. But since I work at home, I only have to get up in time to take Zane to Granny's and be home by 8am to work. I'd say I'm getting about 10 interrupted hours a night. (Please don't hate me!)

Best moment last week? We found out we are expecting a GIRL!!!

Movement? Lots of movement! This is the single most reassuring aspect of pregnancy to a momma who is used to losing babies.

Gender? GIRL!!

Labor signs? Nope, and let's keep it that way.

Belly button in/out? In.

What I miss: Playing softball. Oh what I'd give to be a normal healthy pregnant woman who could play softball right up until she delivers. But no, I have to be high risk. So no softball for me.

What I am looking forward to: OB appointment on Thursday. Milestones: Today is a milestone! Halfway there!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of my friends who have babies here on Earth OR up in Heaven. Zane and I spent Saturday afternoon down at my mom's gawking at my little brother and his girlfriend as they were all dressed up and heading off to their senior Prom.
We also spent time hanging out with Mia (my mom) and her old friend Darhla. Darhla and her family used to live next door to us for a long time before they moved to Texas. She and my mom are able to get together a time or two each year to catch up. Surprisingly, with as many pictures as I took last night, I don't have any of them together!
Mia and Zane
Mommy and Zane!
Mia and Granny
He doesn't look like he is rotten at all, does he? Then this morning was business as usual. No sleeping in for me; no fancy breakfast in bed. I didn't expect it either, lol. But I certainly did not let Daddy sleep in if I couldn't!! We had lunch with my mom, sister, her fiance, Granny and Aunt Lynnette and Darhla and her daughter Katherine. It was really good! And surprisingly, despite lunch being at 1 and Zane having had no nap all day (he usually goes down to nap about 11:30), we made it through lunch with no major tantrums. THAT was an awesome Mother's Day gift in itself! Zane did fall asleep on the ride home and stayed asleep for another hour at home. And then we went over to Papaw Roy's (Jeremy's dad) to play. Poor Zane though. Daddy and Papaw and Zane were playing with a football, rolling/throwing it back and forth. Until Daddy decided to give the football a kick.... A little bit harder than he meant to.... And it hit straight into Zane's face. Poor kid is going to have a black eye tomorrow! Oh, and 18 WEEKS! (tomorrow) I can't believe how this pregnancy is just flying on by! No belly pictures this week. Check up appointment on Tuesday, so I'll update more then. :-)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Yesterday was my and Jeremy's 2nd anniversary. I opened up my laptop to work yesterday morning and he had drawn me a sweet message in Paint.
How sweet is that??? So much better than some generic card, in my opinion! He won some major brownie points for it. So, in honor of our wedding anniversary, it only seems fitting that I share some wedding photos, right?
Pretty curls! Obviously not my final style. My sister did my hair.
My favorite of me and my brothers!
My siblings and I
Well, what good is a wedding anniversary post without a picture of the bride and groom?
And the bird seeds. Oh the bird seeds.
My favorite of Devyn and my bridesmaids. Doesn't he look like such a little pimp here?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sick toddlers are no fun!

Oh, I'm around. Things have been busy for the past week or so. About a month ago, Zane started getting a rash around his mouth. Granny and I thought that it was related to certain foods he ate, like tomatoes or oranges - acidic foods. I know that it is common to develop a sensitivity to foods even after having eaten them for months/years. However, as the weeks went on, it seemed like more and more foods were causing his mouth to break out. And he was getting diarrhea too. So, I made an appointment with his pediatrician last week but they couldn't get him in until yesterday. Zane had also developed a different kind of rash up above his penis - it wasn't a diaper rash or like the rash on his face. It was something new. It's been there for about 2-3 weeks now. Well, then on Saturday, Zane started getting a fever. Overnight Saturday night, it got up over 103 degrees. Poor kid was just miserable. I wasn't too worried about it, because we alternated ibuprofen and acetaminophen and the medicine always brought his fever down to nothing. But it always went right back up once the meds wore off. He hardly ate anything. I pushed fluids more than foods, but he wasn't much interested in either. Monday morning, he was still getting up over 103, so I called his pediatrician's office and we got an appointment with a nurse practitioner (Dr. Z wasn't in the office Monday). The NP diagnosed the rash that's been on Zane's face as a yeast infection. She thought the rash around his penis could be yeast as well or something viral, but wasn't sure and said we could try anti-fungal cream down there to see if it made a difference. Zane also had another viral rash in his throat, which was the cause for his lack of appetite. Poor baby's throat hurt! So, we left the office with orders to try the anti-fungal cream on his face and diaper region. Continue treating the fevers and pushing fluids. And keep our Wednesday appointment with his actual pediatrician.
Zane when his fever was up. And yes, that is a Steak N Shake milkshake in his hands. He had a sore throat - I'd want a milkshake too! Wednesday came around and Zane was still spiking fevers up into the 102-103 degree range. So, off to see Dr. Z we went. We ran into our good friends Sarah and Will in the waiting room! Sarah had Will the same week as Zane was born, and Will had to stay in the nursery for a few days on antibiotics as well. And then we went to the same Mom's Group for a while as well. We have stayed in touch and have play dates every now and then too. Poor Will has Croup though. :( Then we got in for Zane's appointment and of course the kid isn't running a fever. Go figure, right? You want the fever to go away? Make a doctor's appointment. He still had the other rashes though, and we hadn't even made this appointment for the fever, just the rashes. So, Dr. Z confirmed that the rash on his face looked like yeast. He highly doubted that Zane had developed any food allergies or sensitivities. He also thought that the rash around Zane's penis was actually a bacterial kind of rash, like Staph or something along those lines. So he prescribed an anti-bacterial cream for it. Hopefully that helps get rid of it. Also, the rash in Zane's throat was gone! Yay! Now, I am happy to report that Zane has not spiked any fever since 5am yesterday! We are over 24 hours fever free now! Woohoo! As for me, I am 16 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I had a regular check up with my OB on Tuesday morning, and everything is going perfectly! I have actually lost 4 pounds since my last appointment three weeks ago (whoops, lol). I'm not trying to lose weight, I promise. Baby's heartbeat was found right away on the doppler, beating around 160 beats per minute. Before this appointment, Jeremy and I had a lot of anxiety. I'm in that stage where the morning sickness is pretty much gone (though I am more gaggy than I was - I gag at everything) and I'm too early to feel consistent movement yet. So, we went to the appointment with a feeling of dread and expecting bad news. So, you cannot believe our happiness when we heard that little whooshing heartbeat!! I also don't feel like I am showing as much this time around at 16 weeks as I was with Zane (which was more reason for anxiety before that appointment too). But, that could be explained because I've LOST 4lbs, whereas with Zane I was gaining at this point. When I was pregnant with Zane, I lost around 10 lbs in the 1st trimester and then gained steadily throughout the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. I think my total weight gain for the whole pregnancy with Zane was about 17 pounds. This time, I lost a few pounds before gaining them back in the 1st trimester. And now I'm at negative 4. So, there you go. I need to start gaining or else my OB is going to yell at me. I do feel little thumps every now and then too. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Going to Alabama!!

My best friend is Clayli, and she lives in Huntsville, AL. We've known each other for years and have been able to visit each other a few times since our kids were born. Clayli's twin daughters were born very premature at only 25 weeks gestation (that's 15 weeks early). Her girls were 1lb 3oz and 1lb 4oz. That's, like, the size of your hand. Abigail and Adalynn stayed in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) for 108 days before they were healthy and big enough to come home. Today, they are healthy and very happy 20 month old toddlers!

This weekend is the March of Dimes walk in Huntsville. Zane and I are leaving right after I get off work on Friday to drive the 7ish hours to Alabama so that we can walk with Clayli and her girls to support the fight against prematurity on Saturday morning. I am so excited! We were not able to go last year, so I'm very happy that we can this year.

The first time that I was able to go down and visit Clayli and her girls was when Zane was about 5 months old (her girls were 7 months) in March of 2011.

Me on the left with Zane; Clayli on the right with Abby. (side note: Clayli wore Abby for all of ten minutes like this before declaring her too heavy.... As I wore my child - ten pounds heavier - the whole walk.)

Addy, Zane and Abby. Can you see how much larger my child is? We had the two extremes here - the girls were on the small side and my child is on the very large side.

Later that summer, I surprised Clayli by driving down on the sly with my sister and Zane to surprise Clayli at her girls' first birthday party. Her reaction was THE.BEST. It made getting up and on the road at 4am so worth it! Here's the video we took:

The birthday girls!

My sister, Lauren, holding Abby. Clayli with Addy. And of course myself holding Zane. Zane had a little crush on Addy.

The last time we got to see Clayli and her girls was for Zane's 1st birthday party in October 2011. We tried to get a group shot of all of us.... Here was the result:

Oh mobile babies.

That is Jeremy's hand holding Zane's head up because he was trying to bite Addy. Those poor girls got beat up that visit.

I cannot wait to see how big the girls have gotten!! Two more days!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Devyn's baseball season started this weekend! I have to say, I'm really excited to watch him play. He's 12 this year, and this will be the last year he gets to play at Southside. I'm not sure what happens next year - I don't know if there's an older league (probably) or if he would just play at his school. I'll have to ask my husband about that one. It will be a few more years before Zane can play there (obviously, lol).

However, Zane and I will be missing roughly half of Devyn's games. Devyn plays at either 5 or 7pm on weeknights. The 5pm games should be no problem for Zane. But the 7pm games we're going to have to skip. :-( Toddlers need their bedtime and bedtime routine to stay consistent. Especially my child. He cannot handle staying up late. He gets a touch cranky. (okay, more than a touch)

We tried going to Devyn's late game last night and Zane lasted all of one inning. He fell asleep on the way home - a not even ten minute drive.

But I heard Devyn played well! He started as the pitcher and pitched for five whole innings. That is a huge accomplishment for the kid who was benched most of last year! His team lost 2 to 1 though.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lots of updates!

How far along: 13 weeks and 3 days! Officially in the second trimester!

Total weight gain: Zero! I lost a few pounds after my first OB appointment and I've now gained them back. So I'm at zero.

Maternity Clothes: Just maternity jeans if I leave the house. Otherwise, since I work at home, I just lounge around in sweat pants and t-shirts.

Stretch marks
: None new - but the ones from my pregnancy with Zane are still there.

Best moment this week
: I had an OB check up this morning and, despite a few tense minutes while the nurse had to search for the heartbeat with the doppler, we did get to hear the sweet thump thump! 160 bpm

Movement: I sear I've felt a thump or poke a few times, but nothing concrete enough to say "Oh, that's the baby!"

Food cravings: Sweets. Reese's peanut butter cups - I admit to stealing several of these from Zane's Easter basket. And dill pickles.

Labor signs: Nope!

Belly button - innie or outie: It's an innie still.

What are you looking forward to this week
: Devyn's opening ceremonies for his baseball season are on Saturday! I am actually realy looking forward to his baseball starting up again; I love getting out of the house and watching his games.

Do you see that sweet profile?? I am so in love already!

Last Monday, 4/2, I had the NT Scan, which was an ultrasound to check for any early markers for Down's Syndrome. There was also some bloodwork to check for our odds of having a baby with Down's or Trisomy 13 or 18. Everything came back PERFECTLY. Our odds of having a baby with any of those conditions were less than 1 in 10,000. I declined any other screening at this point.

I feel like I am starting to show, but I know in reality I just look pudgy still. I came out on Facebook last week! Here's the picture that I used to announce:

Do you see how thrilled he looks to be a big brother? lol

In other news, Zane is 18 months old! How in the world is my baby getting so old? We had his 18mo well baby check up yesterday. My big guys is weighing in at 33.2 pounds; 34 inches tall; and has a 20in noggin! He is over the 100th percentile for his weight and head, but dropped down to the 90th percentile for his height. Dr. Z says that his height growth curve looks to put him at being about 6'1" when he's grown.

I haven't mentioned on this blog yet that Zane is severely bowlegged. We took Zane to a pediatric orthopedic specialist three months ago to have his legs checked out. Zane's pediatrician sent us, because he has never in his 20 years of practice seen a child with legs as bowed as Zane's. According to the ortho, yes, Zane is bowlegged outside the range considered normal. However, when they examined an x-ray of Zane's legs, his bones are still within the range of normal. They looked at the way his knee presses on the top of his tibia bone. Here's a picture of his x-ray:

So, we were told that there is nothing the ortho wants to do about Zane's legs at that time. She wanted to see us back in nine months. Her reasoning for it was that toddlers legs hit their worst bowing by about 18 months. So, she could see us back at 18 months and only be able to tell us that yes, his legs are worse (and they are). She wanted him to get past the worst and have six more months to see how his legs improve. And if they do not improve.... We are looking at a scary surgery. :-(

I mention this now, because Zane's follow up appointment is on October 9th. I'm due October 15th, but due to my history and the medications I take, I'll be induced no later than 39 weeks. Annnnnnd.... I hit 39 weeks on October 8th. Obviously, I'll have to reschedule his appointment; probably push it out a month or so. But I am very scared that Zane's legs will not straighten enough on their own and he will have to have surgery on them. A newborn and a 2 year old going through surgery and then in casts? Not my idea of fun.

I don't want to end on such a dour note, so here are a few other pictures from Zane's 18 month photos!

Monday, March 5, 2012

8 weeks!

See that sweet blob? It has a heartbeat!!

I had my appointment with the MFM - the high risk OB - this morning. I got another ultrasound and saw my baby again. I am loving all of this extra monitoring I am getting this time around. After the ultrasound I met with Dr. Sumners. I love that man. He's smart, funny, knows his stuff, and he's kind. He agreed with my regular OB's recommendations of continuing the Lovenox/heparin shots and starting progesterone shots at 16 weeks and continuing those weekly until 34 weeks. The only thing he mentioned that was different from my regular OB is that starting at 18 weeks they will begin regular checks of my cervix in hopes of catching any preterm labor signs early.

So here are my upcoming appointments:

3/15 - u/s and appt with my regular OB
4/2 - NT Scan and appt with MFM

Seems like I'm seeing a doctor about every two weeks! It is a good thing that I work from home and can be very flexible about going to appointments.

I'm still toying with announcing this pregnancy on Facebook. I will wait a few more weeks - maybe until after the NT scan in April. I mean, these first 8 weeks have gone by so fast, three or four more won't be too awful either.

Okay, enough about the future baby. Want to hear how Zane is doing? For the longest time my weird son has called me Jen ("den" is how it sounds). This weekend, he finally started calling me Mama again! Oh that just melts my heart. Seriously, I've been working with that kid for months on saying mamamama. I mean, "Mama" was his first word! So to hear him start saying it again was my favorite moment.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A blob!!!

This morning, Jeremy and I went for our first ultrasound of this pregnancy. There was a blob! With a heartbeat! And it had all the necessary parts for this point in our pregnancy - the yolk sac, the fetal pole, a heartbeat, and the blob.

There was only one baby. The ultrasound tech looked around very carefully, so there is no doubt that she missed another baby. Therefore any family member who tries to joke with me and tell me I'm going to have twins is going to get slapped. (I had one particular family member last time tell me I was going to be surprised with two babies at delivery, despite NUMEROUS ultrasounds showing just one baby.... I really wanted to slap her. This time she's being warned.)

The little blob had a heart rate of 138 beats per minute. That is just about perfect for as far along as I am (7 weeks and 4 days, by the way). We also met with my OB after the ultrasound to go over things. We didn't really learn anything new, except that she confirmed my due date as 10/14/2012. (I had 10/15, and the u/s said 10/15, but based on my last menstrual period my due date would be 10/14) My OB said "Who doesn't want to have a due date on day sooner?" I like her. :-)

My next appointment is on Monday with the high risk OB. My regular OB wants me to see the high risk guy because she just wants another opinion on my care this pregnancy. I'm not complaining. I like the extra monitoring, since I'll get another ultrasound on Monday! It is not that my regular OB isn't confident she can provide the care I need, she just wants the high risk OB to reaffirm her course of treatment and/or tell her if he would do something different.

Oh, and if I can ever get my printer's scanner to work, I'll post a picture of the blob.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lots going on...

First - Happy Birthday, Devyn!!!

Here is a recap of the last few days...

My brother, Kyle, got a job in San Antonio, TX and left Monday morning to go for two weeks of training. While he is gone, his wife and son, Allison and Scylas, flew out to California to visit her family. Kyle will be back in two weeks to get their stuff to move it to Texas. Because they won't be back. Ally and Scy will fly straight from California to Texas. So we spent the weekend saying goodbye. :(

Also this weekend, I cracked a molar. Yes, cracked. And not a 'chip,' I mean a full blown vertical crack that goes down into the gum. I can't eat; I can't clench my teeth. This totally blows. And the dentist couldn't get me in until Wednesday (the crack happened Friday night). How did this happen, you ask? This particular molar had a root canal done on it back when I was a senior in high school (10+ years ago). That dentist never put a crown over the filling, and recently I had begun to notice that the filling was pulling away from the edge of the tooth. I was eating a piece of pizza crust and just bit down wrong. CRACK!

Today, I think that there is an infection starting in the crack. :-/ I think there is still some piece of pizza crust stuck in there. Ugh. Anyway, the dentist appointment is tomorrow. I am really afraid they're going to pull it. :-(

Zane and I spent a lot of time this weekend hanging out over at Granny's. She cooked breakfast and dinner for us several times! I've lived right down the street from the woman for four months and she never cooked for me like she did this weekend. Of course, she only did it because Kyle and his family were there. And she watches Zane while I work. But still. I haven't felt like cooking anyway, because this morning sickness is awful, so it was a nice break.

The rest of this week will be exciting!! But the days are going by so slowly. Tomorrow is the dentist appointment. Tomorrow evening is the start of Sectionals and possibly my brother's last high school basketball game (but I hope not!!!). Thursday morning is our first ultrasound!! And then Monday morning I go to Indy to see the MFM (maternal and fetal medicine specialist), where I think I get another ultrasound.

I'm sorry for throwing all that information at you in this horribly written post. :-P

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I'm here!

I didn't forget. Well, maybe for a day or two, but here I am! It's not like it matters at this point anyway - I don't even have any followers to my blog yet. I almost posted about this blog on Facebook the other day, to let my friends and family know it is here. And then I realized I'm not near far enough along in this pregnancy - which I've mentioned a few times now - to publish the blog there yet.

So... about my being pregnant. I am just over six weeks right now. Morning sickness (all day sickness) has officially kicked in. It has been steadily getting worse over the past few days. I'm down a few pounds, but I really think that is more from cutting out all sodas even before I found out I was pregnant. I haven't noticed any cravings yet, although I did see some awesome looking glazed donuts on a commercial last night and wanted one badly.

I am considered a high risk patient due to several things. 1st - my recurrent pregnancy loss. Three miscarriages in two years is not normal. 2nd - after my third loss, I was diagnosed with a clotting disorder (PAI-1 4g4g) and MTHFR. I am toying with looking up my research from right after I was diagnosed to discuss in a future blog post. Suffice to say for now that the clotting disorder causes my blood to clot too easily. There are so many small blood vessels forming in my uterus that even a tiny clot thrown in there could stop blood flow to the baby and cause another miscarriage. So, to counteract the disorder, I give myself daily injections of a blood thinner called Lovenox.

And my last reason for being high risk is my history of preterm labor and preterm delivery. When I was 32 weeks pregnant with Zane, I went into preterm labor unexpectedly. I wasn't sick or dehydrated nor could they really find a reason for my body to have gone into labor like it did. Zane was born at 35 weeks.

So, I'm pretty high risk this time around. I have my first ultrasound next Thursday, on 3/1, to determine 'viability.' Now, given my history, I know that seeing a baby and a heartbeat next week certainly doesn't guarantee me a baby in October. But it will be nice to know that the baby is growing and in the right place. My expected due date is 10/15/2012.

Did you catch that? This baby is due ten days after Zane's 2nd birthday. Then you have to consider that my OB is going to induce labor for me at 39 weeks because of the blood thinners I am on. (She doesn't want me going into labor on my own too soon after giving myself an injection because of the risks of bleeding out and because then I couldn't get an epidural(!!!)) So, at the latest, this baby will be here three days after Zane turns 2.

That should make for an interesting 2nd birthday. I will either be very, very pregnant or have a newborn already. I am still torn on whether to plan his birthday party really early or just have a small family get-together that we can play by ear.

Not to mention that my two kids will have birthdays in the same week. Potentially even the same day. I'm not even going to think about birthdays down the line. Joint parties? Have one on one weekend and the other the next weekend? That's too much to handle right now when I'm still in the precarious period of my pregnancy.

Here are my upcoming appointments:

1st ultrasound on 3/1 at 9am
Appt with MFM/high risk OB on 3/5 at 9am
Appt with my regular OB on 3/20 at 9:40am

Saturday, February 18, 2012


This school season is my littlest brother's senior year. Tyler is exceptionally tall (6ft 9in at 17yrs old!) and starts on his high school's varsity team. I have gone to every game of his that I could his entire school career. Especially since I've had Zane. I love taking Zane to the basketball games. I feel, as Tyler's big sister, that I should support him as much as I can. And since this is his senior year, there are only a few more games to see. :-( Next year, Tyler will be going off to Jacksonville University in Florida to play basketball. I am so happy for him, but man am I going to miss going to his games every week in the winter.

Just recently, Zane has started watching Tyler's games. Before, he would play with my hair or walk around the bleachers playing with anything and everything. But now, he is Tyler's littlest champion! Check out this video clip we got from last night's game:

Is that not adorable??

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Here is Zane's 1st year of life in pictures! What good is a new blog without a lot of pictures?

Zane was born at 35 and a half weeks gestation. He came out with some respiratory distress and an infection/fever. So he got to stay in the NICU for one whole week. The first two days, he stayed under a special humidified oxygen hood. Then he got to do the phototherapy lights for jaundice. And then he finished out his week of IV antibiotics before he could come home.

Little Notre Dame fan already!


Zane and his cousin, Scylas (Scylas was born at 34 weeks and was only 4lb 4oz! Zane was 18lbs here....)

Mommy's Valentine

Rooting for Uncle Tyler's basketball team.

Visiting Aunt Clayli

Zane and his big brother, Devyn.

1st time in the pool!

Zane and Scylas have a love/hate relationship. Zane loves Scylas. Scylas hates Zane.

His curls! I miss those curls so very much.

The birthday boy!

And now the curls are gone. :(

Well, there's his first year. Do you know how hard it was to try and pick only one picture from each month?? Man oh man that was hard. And oh the memories. I cannot WAIT to go through all of this again soon!