Monday, May 28, 2012

Half Baked

20 weeks pregnant today! Can you believe it?

How sweet is this? Zane wasn't ready to wake up from his nap this afternoon, so he fell asleep on me.

Last Thursday, Jeremy and my mom and I went to Indy for the anatomy scan. Baby looks absolutely great, measuring perfectly on time. At this point in my pregnancy with Zane, he was measuring almost a full week ahead. This baby is right on time. Jeremy and I had gone into this appointment thinking that we would not find out the sex of the baby. We were going to let the u/s tech tell my mom, who would then bake a cake or do some other creative idea for a gender reveal. We had planned on having a birthday party for me on Saturday, and that seemed like an awesome idea to surprise everyone. Of course, the morning of the ultrasound, neither Jeremy nor I could stand the suspense and had to find out - but we were still going to do the gender reveal at my party.

Best laid plans, right? Granny was sick all of last week, meaning Zane got to stay home with Daddy. And by Friday, she was still running a fever, so my mom and I decided to postpone the party until Monday. Annnnnnd, Sunday came around and Granny was STILL running a fever. So, party cancelled. We ended up calling and telling everyone instead.

Everyone was SO excited to find out we are expecting a BABY GIRL in October! A GIRL! Can you believe it? Because I don't think it has really sunk in for me yet. I honestly did not think it was even possible. But when the ultrasound technician said she was 90% sure we were going to have a girl, and then pointed out the three lines they look for in the ultrasound.... Holy cow.

My sweet baby girl!

I think we have already settled on a name. It's not 100% certain to stick, but it's the front runner by a long shot.

Zoe Nicole. Or maybe Zoey. We're still debating, lol.

Maybe I'll try and keep up with the weekly 20 questions for pregnancy blog posts... I can't promise one for every week, but I'll try to keep up.

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain/loss? At my appointment a week and a half ago, I was at my starting weight. I gained in the 1st tri and then lost several pounds between appointments.

Maternity clothes? Bottoms? Oh yes. I can still fit into my regular shirts (mostly just tank tops for lounging at home), but my other maternity shirts are more dressy for an office setting. And since I work at home, they are not getting a lot of use.

Sleep? About the same as always. I still bed-share with Zane, so there are the inevitable kicks and snuggles from him throughout the night. But since I work at home, I only have to get up in time to take Zane to Granny's and be home by 8am to work. I'd say I'm getting about 10 interrupted hours a night. (Please don't hate me!)

Best moment last week? We found out we are expecting a GIRL!!!

Movement? Lots of movement! This is the single most reassuring aspect of pregnancy to a momma who is used to losing babies.

Gender? GIRL!!

Labor signs? Nope, and let's keep it that way.

Belly button in/out? In.

What I miss: Playing softball. Oh what I'd give to be a normal healthy pregnant woman who could play softball right up until she delivers. But no, I have to be high risk. So no softball for me.

What I am looking forward to: OB appointment on Thursday. Milestones: Today is a milestone! Halfway there!


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