Thursday, February 16, 2012


Here is Zane's 1st year of life in pictures! What good is a new blog without a lot of pictures?

Zane was born at 35 and a half weeks gestation. He came out with some respiratory distress and an infection/fever. So he got to stay in the NICU for one whole week. The first two days, he stayed under a special humidified oxygen hood. Then he got to do the phototherapy lights for jaundice. And then he finished out his week of IV antibiotics before he could come home.

Little Notre Dame fan already!


Zane and his cousin, Scylas (Scylas was born at 34 weeks and was only 4lb 4oz! Zane was 18lbs here....)

Mommy's Valentine

Rooting for Uncle Tyler's basketball team.

Visiting Aunt Clayli

Zane and his big brother, Devyn.

1st time in the pool!

Zane and Scylas have a love/hate relationship. Zane loves Scylas. Scylas hates Zane.

His curls! I miss those curls so very much.

The birthday boy!

And now the curls are gone. :(

Well, there's his first year. Do you know how hard it was to try and pick only one picture from each month?? Man oh man that was hard. And oh the memories. I cannot WAIT to go through all of this again soon!


Urban Flowerpot said...

You've done such a cute job with this! You're going to laugh but when I read the caption of Zane next to his cousin I thought Z was the little one and when I read his weight I thought, !!!!!!!!!!!! HOW MUCH DOES THAT OTHER BABY WEIGH?!??? Ahh, preemie perspectives ;)

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