Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have been pregnant five times now. I'm currently pregnant! I have one lovely baby boy. And I have three angels in heaven. In September of 2007, I lost my first baby at 9 weeks gestation. It was a surprise pregnancy and even more of a surprise to lose him/her. My second baby lost was in March 2009. We made it to 14 weeks that time before losing him. Yes, him. We named him Danny Neil, after my and Jeremy's grandfathers. And my third baby was lost that same year in July at 5 weeks.

After the third lost baby, my OB finally agreed to send me to a specialist to see if we could find out why my body could get pregnant but not stay pregnant. I had a lot of blood drawn and saw a Maternal/Fetal Medicine specialist in Indy. I found out that I have hetero MTHFR c677t and PAI-1 4g4g. That's a complicated way to say my blood clots too easily. It is theorized that I had clots in utero that blocked blood to the baby, causing them to die. It also puts me at higher risk for strokes and heart disease.

The good news though, was that there is a treatment that could help me carry a baby to term. That treatment is to take a low dose aspirin every day for the rest of my life and to give myself shots of blood thinner while pregnant.

We got pregnant for a fourth time in February of 2010. I was on a girls' vacation in Florida with my mom and sister when I found out. I wasn't married yet then, so can you imagine trying to explain to your mother why you brought pregnancy tests on vacation? The shots, Lovenox, gave me my take home baby, Zane. :-)


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