Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lots going on...

First - Happy Birthday, Devyn!!!

Here is a recap of the last few days...

My brother, Kyle, got a job in San Antonio, TX and left Monday morning to go for two weeks of training. While he is gone, his wife and son, Allison and Scylas, flew out to California to visit her family. Kyle will be back in two weeks to get their stuff to move it to Texas. Because they won't be back. Ally and Scy will fly straight from California to Texas. So we spent the weekend saying goodbye. :(

Also this weekend, I cracked a molar. Yes, cracked. And not a 'chip,' I mean a full blown vertical crack that goes down into the gum. I can't eat; I can't clench my teeth. This totally blows. And the dentist couldn't get me in until Wednesday (the crack happened Friday night). How did this happen, you ask? This particular molar had a root canal done on it back when I was a senior in high school (10+ years ago). That dentist never put a crown over the filling, and recently I had begun to notice that the filling was pulling away from the edge of the tooth. I was eating a piece of pizza crust and just bit down wrong. CRACK!

Today, I think that there is an infection starting in the crack. :-/ I think there is still some piece of pizza crust stuck in there. Ugh. Anyway, the dentist appointment is tomorrow. I am really afraid they're going to pull it. :-(

Zane and I spent a lot of time this weekend hanging out over at Granny's. She cooked breakfast and dinner for us several times! I've lived right down the street from the woman for four months and she never cooked for me like she did this weekend. Of course, she only did it because Kyle and his family were there. And she watches Zane while I work. But still. I haven't felt like cooking anyway, because this morning sickness is awful, so it was a nice break.

The rest of this week will be exciting!! But the days are going by so slowly. Tomorrow is the dentist appointment. Tomorrow evening is the start of Sectionals and possibly my brother's last high school basketball game (but I hope not!!!). Thursday morning is our first ultrasound!! And then Monday morning I go to Indy to see the MFM (maternal and fetal medicine specialist), where I think I get another ultrasound.

I'm sorry for throwing all that information at you in this horribly written post. :-P


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