Thursday, March 1, 2012

A blob!!!

This morning, Jeremy and I went for our first ultrasound of this pregnancy. There was a blob! With a heartbeat! And it had all the necessary parts for this point in our pregnancy - the yolk sac, the fetal pole, a heartbeat, and the blob.

There was only one baby. The ultrasound tech looked around very carefully, so there is no doubt that she missed another baby. Therefore any family member who tries to joke with me and tell me I'm going to have twins is going to get slapped. (I had one particular family member last time tell me I was going to be surprised with two babies at delivery, despite NUMEROUS ultrasounds showing just one baby.... I really wanted to slap her. This time she's being warned.)

The little blob had a heart rate of 138 beats per minute. That is just about perfect for as far along as I am (7 weeks and 4 days, by the way). We also met with my OB after the ultrasound to go over things. We didn't really learn anything new, except that she confirmed my due date as 10/14/2012. (I had 10/15, and the u/s said 10/15, but based on my last menstrual period my due date would be 10/14) My OB said "Who doesn't want to have a due date on day sooner?" I like her. :-)

My next appointment is on Monday with the high risk OB. My regular OB wants me to see the high risk guy because she just wants another opinion on my care this pregnancy. I'm not complaining. I like the extra monitoring, since I'll get another ultrasound on Monday! It is not that my regular OB isn't confident she can provide the care I need, she just wants the high risk OB to reaffirm her course of treatment and/or tell her if he would do something different.

Oh, and if I can ever get my printer's scanner to work, I'll post a picture of the blob.


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