Tuesday, July 24, 2012

28 weeks

Whoops.  :-)  I've been a bad blogger!  It has been six weeks since my last post!  My apologies for the one or two readers I have.  lol

How far along? 28 weeks and 1 day

Total weight gain/loss? I think I'm up about 17lbs now.  :-(

Maternity clothes? Oh yes.

Sleep? I had a bout of insomnia a few weeks ago.  I could not fall asleep and stay asleep for several days.  Thankfully my sleeping has improved since then.

Best moment last week? I had a growth ultrasound last Thursday!  Baby girl is looking awesome - and is definitely still a girl!

Movement? Lots of it!

Gender? GIRL!!

Labor signs? I have the occasional Braxton Hicks contraction, some days more than others.  They've all gone away with water and laying down to rest though, so we're doing okay there.

Belly button in/out? Neither, it is flat!

What I miss: Being able to breathe.  Being able to play with Zane like I want to, but can't because I get so out of breath so easily.

What I am looking forward to:  Family reunion this weekend.  I actually have to choose one to go to, because two sides are having theirs on the same day!

Milestones: Um, I hit third trimester when I wasn't looking.

I am 28 weeks.  Baby girl looks good.  However....  At my appointment three weeks ago, my belly was measuring much bigger than it should have been.  At prior appointments, I was measuring right on track and then suddenly I had gained 5lbs in two weeks and my belly was bigger.  So, that got me a growth ultrasound last week.  When I arrived for that appointment, my blood pressure was pretty high.  The nurse took my bp again after the ultrasound, and it was 150/94.  She didn't tell me what it was the first time, just that it was even higher.  I had to lay down while waiting for my OB to come in, and she took my blood pressure yet again.  130/90.  Since it had gone down, and I had had no protein in my urine, she was okay with sending me home.  I got the "lay around more" talk.  She didn't say bed rest.  But it was hanging out there.  My normal blood pressure is right around 120/80 and had been this entire pregnancy.  Baby was looking good though, and she's actually measuring pretty much right on time - in the 30th-40th percentile.  I didn't get a weight estimate, just that she looks fine.

I went back in today for my weekly progesterone shot, and the nurse took my blood pressure again.  150/84.  The top number was pretty high, but the bottom number was lower than it was.  So she wasn't too horribly concerned.  I don't see Dr. Redmon at these quick shot appointments (and she's on vacation this week anyway).  I'm to just continue to keep taking my blood pressure occasionally at home.  If I ever get a reading over 160/100, I'm to call and go to L&D. 

Of course, this has me concerned.  I kept track of my bp over the weekend.  On Saturday, I went to a pool party.  I had to get out and go sit down after about 30 minutes in the water though, and when I took my bp then it was 150/94.  :-/  Thankfully it went down after a bit.  And then Sunday, my mom and I took Zane to the pool, and again I had to quit some time in.  Zane was ready for a nap by then anyway, so I laid him down and took my bp.  140/90.  Ugh!  It went down again to normal after resting though.

Now, I have visions of bed rest, hospitalization, and premature birth in my head.  NOT fun visions!  I'm scared of developing pre-eclampsia.  I'm scared of having to be put on hospital bedrest.  So I am trying to do everything I can to just lay around and be on self-imposed bedrest.  Do you know how hard that is to accomplish with a toddler?  It is HARD.  I never really had to deal with high blood pressure when I was pregnant with Zane.  And the fact that my blood pressure keeps creeping back up when I get up and do stuff is very worrisome to me.

Hopefully, at my appointment next Thursday this blood pressure crap will have resolved itself.  I would MUCH rather come back here and apologize for overreacting and getting you all worked up about my blood pressure.

 Here's a comparison of my 27 week bumps with Zane on the left and Zoey on the right!  HUGE difference, lol!

 Little stinker stole my tea at the pool this weekend.  :-)

And just for fun, Zane and I talking in the pool about how he does not need to cling to me every second he's in the water.  And a bonus shot of me in a swimsuit and my pregnant glory.  :-)


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